Once you are a member, you do not need to pay for individual courses, but you do need to tell our system that you want to enrol in a course so it will track your progress and show up on your dashboard.
Getting started
To enrol in a course, click on that course in the Academy to visit the course homepage
Then click the Enrol in Course button.
Once you've enrolled in the course, you can click the Start Course button to start at the beginning.
Continuing your course
To continue where you left off in your course, you can go to that course from your dashboard in the Resume where you left off section or use the More menu and click on My Courses to see the list of all the courses you are enrolled in.
Retake a course
If you have already completed a course, you can take it again by navigating to that course's homepage. Then scroll down to the list of modules near the bottom of the course homepage. Click any module you'd like to retake to reenter the course.
If you have trouble retaking a course, just send a message to support@topmusic.co and we'll definitely help you out with that.